Latest News & Events Upcoming Events News Featured Anaya Scholars Featured on CBS Boston Change Makers Segment Lisa Hughes from CBS Boston interviews Monica about the work we are doing to level the playing field for first-generation and low-income students. Kick-A-Thon: Fundraiser hosted by Kessler Karate Academy Our partner organization Kessler Karate Academy is hosting a Fundraiser for us on May 13! Mentor Spotlight: Leslie and Natalie Natalie shares what makes her mentor Leslie so special Welcome Julia & Shelly Our executive team continues to grow! Welcome Debbie & Geoff Welcome to our executive team! 2022 Gala Highlights We hosted our Annual Gala on October 13, 2022. Backyard Meet & Greet A warm welcome to our 12 new 2022 scholars! Thank you for elevating dreams at our Bridging Gaps Gala THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS & PARTNERS